Yeah, I see that Hillary is running.

Evidently so is Rubio? And how do the Reds look this year, they got the pitching to go all the way?

I know that there is talk of a "Warren Wing" in the air, and there are various progressive money raising rings trying to talk Warren into running, to be able to hype her running and keep the money raising ring going.

A different perspective, below the fold.




"Othering" the trans kids in Nevada

The Nevada Assembly Judiciary Committee went out of their way to resurrect and pass a bill which had been idle in the Education Committee for a month.

Disgraced former Speaker Elect Ira Hansen is Chair of the Judiciary Committee, which is dominated by conservative Republicans.

Hansen stepped down as incoming speaker last November after his history of racist and sexist writings was revealed.

Assembly Bill 375 will now go on to the full Assembly after passing on a party-line vote.



Sunday Train: A Steel Interstate for the Keystone West Corridor

In the last Sunday Train, I talked about the study on Keystone West improvements commissioned by the PennDOT. This study finds that upgrades are expensive, and benefits are modest, in terms of allowing for one or two additional services per day, but at a substantially higher subsidy per passenger mile.

However, this study had a quite peculiar "hole" in the range of options: even though the Keystone East is a Rapid Passenger Rail corridor, electrified and upgraded to 110mph to allow the successful upgrade in frequency and transit speed of the Keystone service between Harrisburg and NYC via Philadelphia ... Rapid Passenger Rail was completely ignored as an option.

This meant that the only speed upgrade that was considered was an Express HSR corridor that was "designed to fail" under the designated criteria, since it would be on a different alignment, and so not pass through the communities between Harrisburg and Pittsburgh currently served by the Keystone West.

While "back of the envelope" calculations suggested that filling in this hole would offer some advantages, it would still give an intercity service requiring operating subsidized for a decade or more.

However, this was all under "status quo" assumptions. What I look at this week is what changes for the Keystone West if we were able to start building out a Steel Interstate system for this country, to shift some of the petroleum-dependent, carbon-emitting pavement-destroying heavy diesel truck long-hail freight onto sustainable powered electrified Rapid Rail Freight. Join me for this much more promising future ... below the fold.




The Breakfast Club (Way Over Yonder in the Minor Key)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We're a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we're not too hungover  we've been bailed out we're not too exhausted from last night's (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:30am (ET) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it's PhilJD's fault.

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Breakfast Tune: Way Over Yonder In The Minor Key - Billy Bragg & Wilco (Banjo Cover)

Today in History

President Franklin Roosevelt dies; The American Civil War begins with the attack on Ft. Sumter; Yuri Gagarin is the first man to fly in space; Space Shuttle Columbia lifts off on its first mission; Late night TV host David Letterman born. (April 12)

Breakfast News & Blogs Below




The Breakfast Club (To the Right of Spring)

No, not that Right, your other Rite. 

Ah, screw it.  Just make three lefts and while you wait for oncoming
traffic I'll passive aggressively stew here with my shotgun and whistle


Do I stress you out?

Oh, you don't even know.

Le Sacre du printemps

Allow me to review the 3 Rules of Opera-

The 3 rules of Opera.

  1. It must be long, boring, and in an incomprehensible foreign language (even if that language is English).
  2. The characters, especially the main ones, must be thoroughly unsympathetic and their activities horrid and callous.
  3. Everyone must die, hopefully in an ironic and gruesome way.

Ballet is the same, but with more men in tights and without the superfluous singing.

I'm not afraid if the Terpsichorean Muse though I do like a nice bit of cheese-

I was a DJ after all and I know what (shudder) drags them out on the dance floor and it ain't this-

You see, people only dance to the thoroughly familiar and cliched.

Those are ones I actually like.

Anyway the story of the Ballet goes something like this, the
celebration of spring begins in the hills and a Crone enters to foretell
the future which isn't really even as interesting as a cold reading
because this is a simpler, more primitive time and every Groundhog Day
is pretty much exactly the same.

breakfast beers photo breakfastbeers.jpg

What would you do if you were stuck in one place and every day was exactly the same, and nothing that you did mattered?

That about sums it up for me.

Except that today is different. Today we go and kidnap us some virgins. I dunno, I kind of agree with that part about the railroad tracks.

And then we celebrate Festivus with the airing of grievances until the Sage comes and tells us to stop it and get on to the orgy.

End of Act I. Time to hit the lobby and get blasted because things are only going to get worse.

Act II

Evidently the ballerinas were out in the lobby too as they straggle on stage and wander around in circles for no particular reason. It's just like a Sigma Alpha Epsilon party at UVA only with more roofies. One particularly befuddled co-ed is selected for sacrifice, sent off to perform goodness knows what kind of unspeakable acts with a bunch of dirty old men and then dances herself to death much to the amusement of the other performers and outrage of the audience.


Yeah, dance your way out of that Stravinsky.

As you might imagine this tale of pedophilic murder created quite a stir, even in Paris a city not noted for Puritanism. At the debut there was a riot between the wealthy patrons of art and the bohemian hip crowd that liked it for it's novelty. From all accounts Nijinsky's choreography sucked, but I think the whole concept was a bad idea from the git.

Despite my opinion it's one of the most frequently recorded and performed ballets.

Oh wait, that's Shirley Jackson's The Lottery. This is Le Sacre.

Don't agree with my assessment? Well, that's the Politics of Dancing-

Obligatories, News and Blogs below.




EEOC rules for equality again

 photo Lusardi_zpsxn3pmqcs.jpgThe Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has ruled that the US Army must financially compensate Tamara Lusardi for employment discrimination she experienced while working at Redstone Arsenal in Alabama.

The ruling follows a verdict previous issued in Lusardi's case in October in which the EEOC labeled actions taken against her by supervisors were discriminatory. Those actions included barring Lusardi from the women's restroom and continuing to use male pronouns and her former name. The EEOC found at that time that the supervisors were violating a federal law which "which prohibits discrimination based on conduct that does not adversely affect job performance."



Not Newsworthy

Media Matters has studied the network and cable news coverage of transgender issues for the first two months of this year.

Anyone want to guess what they discovered?

Network news spent 19 minutes and 19 seconds on transgender issues (ABC = 2:06, CBS 10:48, NBC = 6:25). ABC decided transgender issues were worthy of no more than one segment in that two month period. Almost half of the CBS coverage concerned the phenomenon on Amazon's Transparent.

The Cable news outlets, were marginally better, spending one hour, 58 minutes, and 57 seconds (CNN = 46:20, MSNBC = 61:20, FOX = 11:17)

Media Matters reports that nearly half of the MSNBC coverage occurred during Ronan Farrow Daily (in excess of 29 minutes), which was cancelled at the end of February.



The Breakfast Club (Renegades)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We're a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we're not too hungover  we've been bailed out we're not too exhausted from last night's (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and
weekend morning at 10:30am (ET) to talk about current news and our
boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late,
it's PhilJD's fault.

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This Day in History



Peace talks conclude in Northern Ireland with Good
Friday agreement; the Titanic sets sail; F. Scott Fitzgerald's 'The
Great Gatsby' published; Comedian Sam Kinison killed.

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

I have learned silence from the talkative,
toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet,
strange, I am ungrateful to those teachers.

Khalil Gibran





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